
12/19/18 - Rev 14

Dec 19, 2018

He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come." Rev 14:7

Glory is transferable but not containable.  Never hold on to the glory of God.

Football season is drawing to a close, and the best teams are preparing for playoffs.  Eventually, a champion will be crowned and the team will be paraded through town, interviewed, honored, and lifted up by all of their fans.  It will be the spotlight moment, when they are given glory for their achievement.

Spotlight moments don’t just happen from competition, it happens in everyday life.  There are spotlight moments at work, at home, at school, in the community, on the field, in the air, … everywhere.  Any time a significant action occurs (big or small), attention is given to a person, and they have the glory light turned on at them.  In that moment, glory is being transferred from one person to another.

Glory is transferable.  Watch an interview after a victory, and you’ll see it happen.  The questioner will shine credit on the person, and the answerer will either bask in the light or bashfully resist it.  Either way, there was a transfer. 

Here’s the thing:  when that transfer happens, it’s called ‘worship’!  Giving glory to something is how the Bible describes true worship.  God enjoys it when we worship Him by giving glory through our heart’s son, through service to Him, through prayers & praises, through talking about Him, and through hundreds of other ways.  Just like a bank transaction, Glory is transferred.

The problem is not the transfer, but the containment of glory.  Any time we try to grab hold of the glory, or keep it in our hands, EVEN FOR A SECOND, we’re choosing to BE worshipped.  As quickly as we accept worship, we’ll offend God, because He is the Creator and Provider of our lives.  Any glory transferred to us is immediately due to Him. 

Quick sidebar:  sometimes we try to be ‘humble’ and make a big deal about avoiding glory – ie. Discounting or downplaying the role we played, negating its effect, shunning the accolades.  Unfortunately, that’s like fumbling and stomping on the glory.  Instead of that reaction, we are better off taking the glory ball and then pitching it to God.  That may make the interviewer or praiser a bit uncomfortable, but it makes God very pleased.

When judgment comes, it will be a spotlight moment.  Thinking we are special because of faith will be grabbing for the Glory of God.  The better approach is to remember who God really is, and how undeserving we really are.  Fearing God is choosing to never touch His Glory.  Instead, we choose to transfer it to Him immediately, and praise Him (worship Him) for all He is.

Suggestion: Make the effort to transfer some glory to Jesus today.

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