
12/13/18 - Rev 10

Dec 13, 2018

And the mighty angel swore by him who lives for ever and ever, and said, "There will be no more delay!"   Rev 10:6

God's patience is not permanent ... judgment is coming, so we need to repent now.

In 1st Timothy 1:16 – Paul tells Timothy that Jesus gave unlimited patience to Paul because of his ignorance and disobedience, and it was a sign of grace from heaven.  Yet here in Revelations 10, we discover that God’s patience is limited.  Why the contradiction?

Actually, both are correct, because they are talking about two elements of patience. 

1.        God is patient when it comes to the volume of sin.  Since Jesus paid for ALL sins, God can be patient waiting for us to turn from our sin and be rescued by His grace.

2.       God is not patient when it comes to the duration of sin.  Since Adam, every person has a limited timeframe to choose – the length of their life – and at judgment, all life will have reached the limit.

Sometimes we get the two mixed up.  When we make a severe mess of our lives, we tend to avoid church, shut down the whispers of conscience, and nit-pick at the behaviors of anyone else that claims Christian faith.  Yet we are also the ones that complain how life is too short, and are appalled when someone’s life is shortened by the sinful act of another.  We have it backwards -- God’s patience IS all-inclusive, but not permanent.  He wants everyone saved, and sacrificed for EVERYONE’S sins (no matter how heinous or voluminous), but the timeframe is what’s short. 

The longer we avoid repentance, the harder our hearts get.  Why do that to ourselves? 

Jesus made it very simple.  He did all the work.  All we need to do is man up to the sin and come with humility before Him, asking for forgiveness.  Repentance doesn’t permit repetition, but God is even patient with that.  What God will not do is be patient forever.  His holiness has a limit to sin: duration. 

Christmas is a season we celebrate with joy & love.  Maybe that’s also a good time to come back before God and make this right with Him.  Start your new life now!  Don’t wait until it’s too late.

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