
12/20/18 - Rev 15

Dec 20, 2018

You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed. Rev 15:4

How dumb to think we can tell a holy God what should be acceptable to Him.

The Nativity is an incredible story – beyond the creativity and skills of the best playwrights of history.  Nobody would have come up with that idea for the Messiah’s entrance!  Just imagine:  a virgin girl pregnant, a respectable carpenter willing to take the sordid reputation, born in a cattle manger, in a small insignificant village, on the run from the king, visited only by angels, shepherds, and traveling astrologers.  What a crazy script!

If you were the author of the Messiah birth story, you wouldn’t likely have a King of Kings come to earth that way.  In fact, you probably wouldn’t have him born at all.  Maybe He would have been Mr. Incredible, in a palace, with everyone knowing and following His orders.  Or you might have other variations.  I believe you and I would re-write the story completely.

You say: wait – I wouldn’t rewrite God’s story!   I would never do that – it’s a fantastic story.

Before you quit reading further, let’s own up to the fact that we like to rewrite God’s story ALL THE TIME.  God tells us through His Word how to do things, and we want to tell Him (or tell others FOR Him) that things should be different.  Here’s just a few examples I’ve heard recently:

-          Good people go to heaven… if you tried to be a good person, that’s good enough

-          Sex and marriage are defined by society … we decide what is valid for relationships

-          Giving is optional … I don’t have to give to God as a Christian

-          God wants me to be happy… He doesn’t want me to deny things that I like for myself

-          I prayed the prayer (or got baptized) … so I’m saved no matter how I live my life

While each of these are deeper topics to discuss, the fact is we all like to rewrite Scripture to say what WE want it to say.  How utterly arrogant!  When did we start becoming the authority of life?  What righteous act(s) made us the experts on what is proper?   Where did God say it was okay to change the script (or for that matter, the practice, the behavior, the expectation, etc.)?

Sometimes we need a little dose of reality, and Revelation shows it in the picture of heaven & earth battling at the end times.  All of our rewrites will become slaughtered by the holiness of God.  Does that make you shutter a little?  (I know it makes my bones rattle.)

Pray this with me:  Forgive us, Father, for thinking we know how to run things and tell you how you should be.   I am embarrassed and ruined by my own critique.  You alone are holy.  Your Word is truth, and NEVER should be changed.  I am the one that needs to be changed.  Help me become a true worshipper of You, and make you fully King of my heart.  Give me courage to live out your Word EXACTLY the way you intended it.

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