
01/04/17 - Matt 3

Jan 4, 2017 - Matt 3

Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Matt 3:10

Salvation is by belief and lordship is by action --- Show our faith by our actions today

Ever cared for a fruit tree?  They are difficult trees to manage.  Fruit trees require consistent water and good soil, the area around the tree should be tended, and the branches trimmed for maximum fruit production.   They are best used for creating fruit, not for climbing or shade.  And unless you like piling up their leaves in the fall … they are a messy option for your yard.  But, if you like their fruit, they can be a great joy during harvest season.

God made men similar to fruit trees.  He designed us to grow best using his resources, for the purpose of producing tasty fruit for the owner.  Yet some people want the water & nutrition of God in their lives, but don’t want to be bothered with fruit production.  Some want God to bless them with grace & mercy, but not be responsible for obedience & service to His Kingdom.  They want to be saved for eternity, but not make Him Lord of the present. 

John the Baptist called people to repentance – which wasn’t just feeling sorry for their sins.  He called them back to the life God designed them to live, by turning away from sin and embracing righteousness.  God isn’t impressed with good intentions, He wants people to match His holy image.  So John called men to turn back to that life before the Messiah arrived – or face the burning guilt and judgment of God. 

Jesus died to be our Savior, but He lives to be our Lord.  Salvation comes with Surrender.  We must be His tree and produce fruit in our lives – the fruit of obedience that fulfills His purpose.  Men don’t demonstrate their faith simply through words, they demonstrate faith through their actions & behaviors.

Question:  What are your behaviors revealing about your faith today?  Are they the fruit God expects you to be producing?  What one change (repentance) do you need to make to start producing that fruit again? 

Don’t let your life become kindling, produce the fruit your tree was designed for.

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