
01/20/17 - Matt 15

Jan 20, 2017 – Matt 15

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Matt 15:8

The measure of worship is not just the volume of music from our mouths, it’s really more about the chords of obedience from our hearts.

Like many mothers, I was taken to piano lessons as a young child and required to learn how to play piano for 2 years.  While it was not a terrible experience, it proved to be very difficult and not something I enjoyed doing.  (Years later, I now see the error of my choice to quit.)

The first thing I really learned in piano classes was not Middle-C, or the scale, or how to hold my hands.  If I’m honest, the first important lesson about playing the piano was that louder volume doesn’t necessarily mean better music.  In fact, louder volume and hitting keys harder only accented more the LACK of music I was playing!  Often I would find myself hitting keys harder, as if by doing so my fingers would force the music to be accurate.  It actually had the opposite effect, creating terrible music and making the ears hurt when listening to it.  In fact, the poor music was a distraction to me as I played it!!!

Loud music is not foreign to God either.  He knows well that volume of sound from our lips doesn’t equate to harmony and accuracy from the heart.  That’s why God doesn’t pay as much attention to the sounds of our voices as He does to the heart singing them.  He hears passion far more than pitch.  His desire is to feel the rhythm of our obedience, not the pounding of our false praises.

Great worship is far more than talented singing.  Take our church's worship director as an example.   I thoroughly enjoy her musical talent and love listening to her sing. She is recognized by everyone as a great worship leader on Sundays.  But her musical gifts would be a resounding gong if it weren’t for the fully devoted heart for God she lives Monday thru Saturday.  She is a great worshipper not because of her voice, but because of her commitment to God's values.

Whether or not you sing in a church, God is listening to the sound of our hearts every day.  God can tell when people live out of praise for the Lord or pride in themselves.  He hears the harmonies of love even if the voice sings in monotones.  He also detects the ugliness of sin even when it comes from soothing vocal sounds.  God is not fooled by the volume, He has perfect pitch in hearing our hearts.

Jesus is not impressed with our verbalized intentions, nor our powerful volumes of praise, if they don’t come from a heart tuned to His Word.  And worse, Jesus recognizes even more than we do that if the heart is far from God, the mouth won’t be sticking around long either. 
Let your life sing music to God’s ears!   Choose one way to obey Jesus & His Word today – and pick one that is not your normal range.  Show the Lord that you want to sing from your heart, not just your lips.  You will discover that the music may not be quite as loud, but certainly will be much more in tune.

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