
01/23/17 - Matt 16

Jan 23, 2017 – Matt 16

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me. Matt 16:24

The path to heaven is not written on a map, it is given from the Guide who knows the way.

Some people don’t like maps, but I prefer them.  While the age of technology now permits a driver to program in a destination and be guided through every step of a journey, I always liked being able to visualize the path and know in my head what was coming.  A map gave me the clarity of knowing how to get to the destination, what routes were available, and the ability to anticipate each step.  In reality, a map gives me control, while a GPS takes control from me.

Many people just want the “map” to eternal life.  They want the pathway, and the route options, and to know what’s coming along the road so they can avoid difficulty and traffic.  By knowing the map, they maintain control.  Maybe that’s why Jesus didn’t give us the map!  Maybe that’s why He said: “I am the way”.  Jesus doesn’t lay out the 5 Steps to Find Heaven.  He just gives us one plan:  Follow Him. 

To give up the map and follow the GPS means letting go of control – that’s denying ourselves.  Faith is not about being in the driver’s seat, it’s about letting God drive.  If we want to go where Jesus is going, we must stop trying to control the route.

To give up the map also means overcoming the obstacles along the way – that’s taking up the cross.  Faith is not about preventing circumstances, it’s about trusting God in spite of the circumstances.  If we want to travel with Jesus, we must be okay with the route He chooses.

There is no map to get to heaven – the only self-driven route was destroyed by the landslide of sin back in Adam & Eve’s day.  We can only find our way to heaven by asking Jesus to drive, and moving into the back seat.  He is the only one who knows the way, and the only driver capable of overcoming the obstacles as we go. 

So … these days, I’m trying to let go of the map and trust the GPS.  Honestly, it’s a daily challenge, but the Guide has proven thousands of times that He knows better than I how to get where we need to go.  So I’m learning to be more attentive to His daily route instructions, and less worried about the route or the speed. 

How about you?  Are you still trying to control using the map, or trusting in the guide to get to heaven?  Maybe it’s time to give up the map and try the Guide again!

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