
07/02/18 - Romans 13

July 2, 2018

The day is almost here. So let's put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12

If we thought Jesus was coming in the door, it would instantly change what we were doing inside.

My mom was out of town for the weekend, so several friends came over to spend the evening with us.  While we weren’t doing anything illegal, it was definitely a ‘guy night’, and certainly a few things that my mother would not have approved of.   We were having a blast watching a not-so-good movie, when we heard the front door open and my mother come in (back a day earlier than expected).  Never in your life did you see a few guys move so fast!  Things got picked up as fast as possible, the movie was turned off and ejected, and our behavior changed pretty rapidly.  We were already in trouble for having friends over without permission, but it could have been much worse.

If only we were a bit smarter and KNEW when our mom was coming home!

We invite sin into our lives just like that story, welcoming it into our hearts and lives as something to do when the parents are not around.  It not only comes over, but takes us farther than we wanted to go, and lingers longer than we wanted it to stay.  And when that moment comes where we finally get caught, it will cost us much more than we wanted to pay.  But instead of being able to hide some of the evidence, when an all-knowing God shows up unexpected, there will be no hiding the truth.  Our sin will find us out, and it will all be exposed. 

Here’s the difference:  Jesus didn’t tell us a future date when He is returning.  His instruction was to expect Him TODAY!  That means we have no excuse for inviting sin into our homes, thinking He is coming later.  Instead, we should not be surprised at all that our sin gets caught, and consequences will follow, because we KNOW when He is coming.  It will be Today.

Paul told the Roman church to stop inviting sin into their lives like The Day is a long way off.  Instead, realize that “daddy” is coming any day now, and start acting like He is on His way here.  Then the house will be in order, and there will be no apologies or cover-ups.  Put aside those sins of darkness, and start living with the acts of light.

Some would see that warning as a mean threat to our freedom, using fear as an obedience tactic.  But God tells us ahead of time out of love for us.  He’s not wanting to come back and see us living in disobedience, God wants to see us living out the commands He gave us out of love for Jesus.  When we respect His wishes, it is no longer an obligational fear, but a healthy righteous restraint.

So before you invite a sin over again, maybe start thinking about how you would be different if you knew Jesus was coming during the party.  It may prepare you to handle the sin differently – or hopefully, to not invite it over in the first place.

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