
07/05/18 - Romans 16

July 5, 2018

Watch out for people who are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Romans 16:18

Christians are not supposed to be satisfying themselves, but satisfying The Lord.

“You’re worth it!” … “You deserve a break today” … “Calgon, take me away!”

Those are some classic promo lines of commercials many years ago, that supported the idea we each need some “me time”.  It’s considered both appropriate and healthy to have some personal time, doing the things we enjoy and satisfying our own appetites.  The only problem is that someone forgot to tell God about it.  Apparently Lordship is not defined that way in His book – He sees Lordship as living for Him, not living for ourselves!

Now … before you read this and start defending your own hobbies, let me be clear!  God GAVE us life and breath and everything that is good.  Hobbies, entertainment, and activities are not in themselves bad things.  In fact, used properly, they touch the heart of everyone when it matches what we were designed for.  However, turning a hobby into an expectation is how idols are formed in our lives, and soon Jesus is no longer Lord of our lives, but a scheduled activity in our lives.  Satisfying our own appetites is often the bait that hooks us into Satan’s deadly traps of sin.  SO BE CAREFUL!

Notice something about all of those things --- when we start participating in those activities regularly, you will hear The Voice of Justification start speaking!   Deep in our spirits, we’ll start questioning ourselves, and The Voice starts trying to convince our minds that we deserve it, or we’re not so bad, or it’s a good thing that makes us happy.  Then, The Voice shows up in our friendships, as we surround ourselves with others who ALSO enjoy those hobbies, giving us leverage to believe indulging ourselves is acceptable.  Finally, The Voice starts talking through convincing people or even partial Scriptures, turning true advice into half-truths, and affecting our beliefs about God, life, and our own purpose.

The Voice has great power – flattering us and deceiving us into thinking our preferred activities deserve priority in the schedule, first dibs on our money, and all of our best energy.  You know The Voice is working well when worship is no longer the priority, giving is not the first action, and serving God becomes an obligation. 

But the bottom line is always the same --- when satisfying our own appetites becomes more important than satisfying God’s appetite, we have switched Lords!  And that’s when you know The Voice has taken over. 

If you claim Jesus as your Savior, then make it your appetite to please Him as your Lord.  Don’t listen to The Voice any longer – listen to His Word!  Find the happiness and joy in satisfying HIM in your activities (yes, even occasionally the righteous activities He created you to enjoy).  But instead of doing them to satisfy yourself, find out how God wants to use them to help satisfy His desires.

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