
07/13/18 - 1Cor 6

July 13, 2018

(Sinful) is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.  1Cor 6:11

Don't live like the sinful after we have been washed clean.

When our daughter Heather was a child, one of my favorite times of the day was ‘bath time’.  Not just because she got cleaned up and I got a little quiet time, but because of what happened after bath time.  We would get to spend time after she was all cleaned up sitting together in the rocking chair or on the couch, reading books, talking and enjoying the last hours of the day together.  No more running in the dirt … she was clean and sweet-smelling.  (I enjoyed that with my grand-daughter years later, too!)

Probably one of the hardest changes that happens in coming to Christ is the change in relationships with people.   Giving our lives to Jesus starts out so cleansing, like a warm clean shower after a sweaty day of yard work.  We don’t think it changes us drastically at first, expecting to keep the same friendships, and not impact our families.  But little by little, the Spirit of God on the inside starts making changes.  Language starts getting healthier, activities become different, new friendships start forming, and before you know it, we find ourselves spending less time with the old relationships.  Something gets said and we try hard to keep them going, but you can tell the separation is happening.

That’s not just true with coming to Christ.  It’s also true with believers who start turning towards selfish or sinful behaviors.  The gap in relationships starts forming then too, and the same process starts happening in reverse.  Soon those people who were your strong models of faith take a back seat to the ones who suck us into worldly pleasures.  The gap grows larger, and the activities change, and soon we find ourselves back in the dirt we had left years earlier.  It’s easy to blame or judge those “holier than thou Christians”, but the fact is we’re the ones who are wearing the dirty clothes again.

Paul tells the Christians to remember what they came from – and what Jesus did for them.  He tells them they had received three special gifts:

1.       They were washed – Jesus didn’t just forgive us for getting dirty and then leave the dirt on us; He washed the dirt away.  We no longer need to feel guilt or disqualification for our past.

2.       They were sanctified – Not only does Jesus cleanse us from our past, but He starts transforming us into a new creation.  Sanctification is the work God does on us to rebuild the damaged life into a holy life.  (Which is why relationships, activities, and passions change!)

3.       They were justified – at the completion of His work on us, Jesus then hands us over to the Father as we were designed to be – not perfect, but perfected people under God’s Grace.  It’s as if we never sinned.

We don’t have to reject people or turn our backs on them when becoming believers.  Certainly our new-found salvation is worth sharing to others we know & love!  But don’t be defensive or surprised if the new life you start living pulls you away from the old lifestyles.  That’s what happens when we are washed clean, we no longer roll in the dirt, but sit in our Daddy’s lap and enjoy the evening together!

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