
03/20/17 - Luke 13

March 20, 2017 – Luke 13

"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many will try to enter and will not be able to.”  Luke 13:24

Many think they are good enough to walk into heaven, but only those who have a relationship with Jesus will enter the door.

Highway 401 in Ontario Canada is considered by many to be the widest road in the world.  With as many as 22 lanes available to move traffic through daily, it can handle thousands of cars in an hour and provided the largest volume of people access to the city.

But I’ve come to believe it’s still not the widest road.  The longer I live, the more I believe that the widest road runs out of every funeral home and cemetery.  It’s the road that leads to eternity, and everyone believes their loved one is on it.  Apparently, everyone is going to heaven, because every funeral I’ve attended, the person was good enough or religious enough or connected enough to be on the road. 

Now before you take offense, I’m not being judgmental about anyone.  The truth is that we often DON’T know the hearts of men, and it’s not our responsibility to decide who is going to heaven and who isn’t.  My guess is that we will be surprised by who was saved when we get there (assuming WE get there). 

The truth is that most people WANT TO THINK they are going to heaven.  And when loved ones die, we instantly WANT TO BELIEVE they were saved.  By the hope invested in our souls from our Creator, we certainly desire eternity for everyone we love.  And for some that will be true.

But that’s why Jesus’ words are both frightening and convicting.  He warns us that the road to heaven is much narrower than we want to believe.  It’s not a 22-lane freeway, it’s a one-lane path.  You don’t make it to heaven driving in a car built on your performance or works, you get there walking along a path following a Savior.  Good feelings won’t fuel our trip, the gas that we need is a relationship. 

Jesus said: “Many will say to me on that day: Lord, did we not drive out demons, and perform good works… but I will tell them plainly: I never knew you.”  Clearly, Jesus wants to know us and be known by us.  He wants to see the fruit of a relationship in our lives.  Not works - but worth.  Living for Jesus will result in works, but it’s not the works that put us on the road.  Our desire to be with Jesus and follow Him is the only lane that gets us to heaven.

Listen to the caution from Jesus.  Only Jesus gets us to heaven (not any other religion).  Only a relationship with Jesus opens the door (not our resume).  Start walking the one-lane path with Him today.  Don’t get left in the cold.

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