
03/29/17 - Luke 20

March 29, 2017 – Luke 20

Jesus said to them, "Then give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Luke 20:25

Life is a loan from God that we pay back thru service and worship.

Home ownership is a common dream for most Americans.  Having something that you can modify & enjoy without having to gain permission gives us the appearance of freedom and control.  But do you really own it?

·         The bulk of homes in America are not (yet) owned by those who live in them.  Generally, they are owned by financial institutions who have fronted the money, until we pay off the debt.

·         Even with paying off a home loan, we seldom own the house.  Taxes and fees are paid annually to our government for the ‘right’ to use the land we live on. 

·         Although we own the house, we don’t always get to do whatever we want with it.  Property and association requirements often restrict that freedom for the sake of our neighbors.  (So really, the neighbors have control of what we can do!)

Ownership may be misleading.  Loanership may be more accurate.

Our life works the same way.  We often think we own our lives, but the truth is that they are on loan to us.  We don’t have a say in when our life begins, and have only minimal say in how long it lasts.  What happens in our life is not completely controlled by us, and depends most on all of the circumstances and events that happen around us.  We don’t really control our income, and only have a little more control on our expenses (especially if you’re married or have kids)!  We don’t own our lives, they are on loan.  That’s not how we think, but it’s our reality.

So when Jesus was approached and challenged about paying taxes, His perspective was much different than most humans.  Instead of thinking ownership, Jesus operated from a mentality of loanership. When we realize our life is on loan, then we handle it as stewards instead of as owners.  So when money is paid for taxes, we see that as giving back to the government what they gave us – money.  And when we serve God’s Kingdom, we see that as giving back to God what He gave us – life.

Trying to be owners, we’ll fight to keep control of every asset we can.  But by seeing life as a loan, we’ll manage every moment the best we can.  Which are you spending your energy on?  Are you expending time to keep hold of money, or spending money to leverage your time?

God is the ultimate owner of all of it.  He owns our time and our money.  He decides what we should receive and when it’s time to collect.  If God is the owner, then we must manage the loan. 
Live a life of loanership.  Use your time and your resources to pay back your loan through service & worship.  Honor the one who gave you the short time you have, and don’t try to hold on to what you can never keep.  Discover the true freedom and happiness that comes with living a life on loan.  You might just enjoy the resources & the time a whole lot more!

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