
03/21/17 - Luke 14

March 21, 2017 – Luke 14

Although the poor cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.  Luke 14:14

Blessing is not about what we get in this life, but what we become for the next.

After marrying my wife, I thought it would be romantic to bring her a rose every Friday on the way home from work.  I’m not sure where I stole the idea from, but my thinking at the time was to express my love to her and gain her affection and appreciation.  She appreciated it … just at a depreciating level each week, to the point I began wondering whether this was worth the time & effort.  Finally, after a business trip, I didn’t bring a rose one Friday… and then another… and the habit changed to NOT bringing a rose each week.  I forgot all about it, until she mentioned it to a friend some months later, and how she appreciated that weekly expression.  Little did I know, her appreciation didn’t always show in affection!!

There seems to be a time limit to receiving rewards for our works.  Students tend to expect their study to produce high test scores.  Workers expect their efforts to be rewarded with raises.  Spouses want their service & sacrifice to produce relational connection.  And most of us pray wanting God to answer our prayers on our time scales.  Not only do we expect rewards, we expect them in an immediate timeframe.  McDonalds must have figured it out when they built their drive-thrus to pay at one window and receive the order at the next.  We like the idea of instant turnaround on our investments.

The Bible shows God being okay with works creating rewards.  There is a correlation between obedience and blessing – and the Lord’s promises seem to show the connection.  Jesus was consistent in teaching: “Ask & you shall receive”.  And Paul covered the same thing for negative works, saying: “the wages of sin is death.”  God is okay with works creating rewards … He just runs a different timetable.  Instead of works being rewarded in the temporary of now, God delays them for when we can REALLY use them, preparing the rewards for our permanent life in heaven. 

That doesn’t imply our works can get us into heaven.  We already know from Jesus that our works don’t earn us access to eternity.  Without forgiveness of our sin, there are NO works worthy of a gate pass to eternity.  Accepting Jesus and making Him Lord is the only way to receive that gate pass. 

So why do works at all?  Because even though there are some temporary blessings, doing good things on earth is really NOT about what we RECEIVE in this life.  Doing good is really about what we BECOME in this life.  Studying is not just for good grades, but for growing skills.  Work isn’t just for increasing salaries, but for increasing productivity.  Praying is not so much getting from God what we want, but letting God change us into what He wants.  God’s blessings are far greater in growing who we ARE, so that the next life we can handle what we will HAVE.  Character is the greatest result of good works.

Our Father appreciates our efforts, He just delays the affection for a better time.  Maybe I need to recognize that BEFORE dropping the ball next time on the opportunity to serve a need.  The rewards will be there… just let God choose the timing.  He appreciates it more than we know!

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