
03/23/17 - Luke 16

March 23, 2017 – Luke 16

Jesus said to them, "You justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God's sight." Luke 16:15

The best way to measure our true heart for God’s Kingdom is our money---make His Kingdom our first priority.

Have you ever had a bad toothache?  Ever had a tooth that was so sensitive to the touch you didn’t want anyone to touch it?  Or maybe not a tooth --- but a splinter, or a painful injury, or another problem?  Every parent has had to deal with a child who has a painful injury that needs attention, but doesn’t want anyone to touch it (leaving the source of the pain in place).

Some subjects are like bad toothaches – they need to be addressed, but are too personal to talk about.

Money is that subject in our culture.  We’re glad to talk about what everyone else is doing or not doing with their money, but feel the pain anytime someone wants to talk about what we’re doing with our money.  In a culture that values privacy, talking about money can become a personal attack, and raise blood pressure unlike anything else.  These days, we can discuss hot topics like sexuality or politics, as long as we don’t expect to dictate God’s expectations about our money. 

Why is our personal spending so sensitive?  Simple answer --- it is the best indicator of our heart condition.  Addressing our use of money is a direct hit on our vulnerabilities.  That’s why we’re so quick to justify ourselves when anyone challenges us about it, or just leave the conversation and avoid the topic.

Jesus doesn’t have a personal vendetta against our riches.  He is more interested in our values.  What Jesus wants is for our hearts to value what the Father values.  And money is not that high on God’s value list.  The amount of money is only an issue when the value we place on it becomes a problem.  Men value money because it provides them control, opportunity, and enjoyment.  Jesus isn’t against those things, but it bothers Jesus when those things are more important than Him.  When was the last time you heard a person celebrate that they were getting a raise and could give more to God’s Kingdom?  Or when did you think about ways to spend less on yourself so that you can spend more on reaching lost people?  And when I get paid, is the first check or bill pay a donation to my church? 

These days, money has become a major problem in our life, but it’s really not because of the bills in our wallet, it’s really the exposure of the desires in our heart.  Take an honest look into our budget and make sure Jesus is the first value.  Celebrate what we GET TO DO in supporting God’s Kingdom financially.  Relook at the excuses and justifications coming out of our mouth, and compare them to the promises of Scripture. 

Don’t be sensitive about money – be strong and courageous with it.  God has got your back!

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