
05/04/18 - Acts 1

May 4, 2018 - Acts 1

Jesus said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” Acts 1:7

Don't wait for SOMEDAY, surrender to Jesus TODAY!

There must be a calendar out there that we all use but never see.  Because most everybody has said that “someday” they will do it … but I have never found a calendar that contained a day called “someday”.  J

Important things that are not urgent often get placed on the day “someday”.   We know they are important, but feel other things are more urgent and need our attention.  Bible study, fasting, prayer, telling someone about Jesus, serving God’s Kingdom, feeding the poor, giving, and many other activities all are listed on that special day.  The problem is most people never get around to it.  One urgent activity gets replaced by the next, and important things never get done.

Important things tend to be delayed until they are urgent.  Studying for a test waits until the night before the test.  Bills get paid before finance is charged.  Houses get updated just before they go on the market.  Relationships get attention when they are in jeopardy.  And God gets our attention when death is drawing closer.  That’s why people always want to know what the signs are for the End Times.  We want to know when following Jesus becomes urgent, and then turn our attention to the important things of the Kingdom then.

Jesus knows that having a date for His second coming would not help our relationship, it would damage it.  We would delay the important things we should be doing and spend even more time on the urgent things of this life.  The Kingdom would become less of a priority, and more people would end up heading to hell.  Knowing would be a disaster to our lives.  So Jesus said “it is not for us to know”. 

We act like tomorrow is a given, but we were never promised tomorrow.  Today is all we have.  Your death could be just hours away, so start recognizing how urgent the important things really are.  Love your spouse, hug your kids, do your work, share Jesus with your friend, give to the Kingdom, serve the Lord, study His Word, pray!  Make the most important things in life urgent, and do them.

Because Jesus may delay a while longer … or He could be coming tomorrow!

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