
05/24/18 - Acts 15

May 24, 2018

No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved... Acts 15:11

God’s grace is not a license to sin, but a pardon to live holy again.

Grace is one of the hardest and yet simplest concepts about God to figure out.  It is also one of the most amazing, and uniquely Christian doctrines.

Grace is God’s unmerited favor.  We seem to need reminded of all three words of that definition.

1)      It’s an act of God – God decides what He wants do and does it.  As much as we try to figure out the “recipe”, it is always a decision of God alone.  We cannot coerce Him or justify ourselves to get the grace we want. It is wholly in the hands of God to give as He sees fit.

2)      It’s unmerited – We don’t earn grace… as much as we try.  And it is not restricted… as much as we wish it was for some people.  Grace is not a “system” that provides blessings based on our performance.  In fact, our performance has very little to do with it.  Becoming more righteous sets us up for promised rewards, but doesn’t set us up for grace.  God hands out Grace as a part of His plans, not our performance.

3)      It’s favor – Favor is blessing.  Sometimes God’s favor is a windfall that fulfills our desires, and sometimes His favor is a restriction to prevent our failures.  But either way, grace is a blessing upon our lives that helps direct us to better outcomes.  We say God is Good, not because we get everything we want, but because we get everything that’s best from Him. 

You are not saved by acts of ‘goodness’.  You are not saved by religious traditions.  You are not saved by the level of accurate knowledge.  You are only saved by God’s desire to save you.  He offers it as Grace.

That makes Grace a gift, and as all gifts, we can either choose to accept it, or choose to leave it unopened.  God’s grace can be treated like an incredible treasure or thrown out with the trash.  Either way, He offers it to us, and gives it freely.

Some turn grace into a license to sin.  Because God forgives, they take advantage of the grace to pursue their own wishes.  Others don’t accept His grace, thinking they have to clean up their act first before they can open the gift.  Still others accept His grace, then try to spend themselves as martyrs earning back the payment for the gift they have received.  All are corruptions of the Spirit of Grace. 

When God blesses us with kindness, forgiveness, or love, our response must not be to leverage the grace in order to keep sinning.  By doing so, we damage the gift, and destroy the blessing His grace could do in our lives.  We also should not delay the gift until our ‘wild oats’ are sown, because ongoing sin has a way of closing the door to God’s grace.  And certainly, God doesn’t give us grace as a debt to pay back, that turns His Grace into religion, and leaves us back in the guilty state God tried to removes us from.

When you receive Grace, treat it as a pardon to be a citizen again in His Kingdom.  The case is over, the sin is forgiven, the opportunity is available – you can live fully free of the past, and start living the design of life He intends.  Let Grace transform you into the likeness of Jesus that God always wanted for you.  And watch how God uses you to be a channel of grace into the lives of others.

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