
05/14/18 - Acts 7

May 14, 2018

While they stoned him, Stephen fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." Acts 7:60

Living with bitterness is far worse than dying with forgiveness--- no matter how we were hurt, keep a forgiving heart.

Some things that happen to us are grossly unfair! 

It’s terrible to hear of the struggles of kids when parents’ divorce.  It’s downright angering to find out a friend or loved one was assaulted.  How unfair is it that someone was killed in a drive-by shooting!  And who can put up with this international trend of young girls being kidnapped for sale in the sex trade.  There are many other things that happen daily which hurt people and damage lives, most of which we don’t face, some we have felt, all which can change the outlook for anyone.

But the greater damage from unfair events is not the actual event … it’s the bitterness that becomes a permanent scar on the heart of the victims.  The consequences of an unfair act may last a while, but the bitterness can last forever.  And the only person that can heal this damage is the victim themselves.  Blame doesn’t remove bitterness, it actually feeds it.  Prosecution may create consequences for the offender, but it seldom heals the heart.  No amount of welfare or support can fix a bitter spirit, only the decision to turn it over to God can take it away.

That’s what makes Stephen’s story so powerful.  In the midst of one of the most unfair treatments documented in Scripture, Stephen chose to die with a pure heart of forgiveness than trying to live with bitterness.  In the midst of his stoning, Stephen forgave his offenders, and stayed connected to God.  He chose the higher road, the narrow gate, the true of good fruit.  Bitterness could have (maybe even SHOULD have) taken over, but Stephen had none of it.  Instead he died a full-hearted man. 

That may still seem inadequate.  Who could blame Stephen for not being angry during his stoning.  However, Stephen lived MORE in his last few minutes than most bitter people live their whole lives.  Bitterness is a heart killer, even though the person is still breathing.  Show me a bitter person and I’ll show you one that is walking emotionally or spiritually dead – they just don’t know it.  But show me a person with a heart of forgiveness, and I can show you one who’s alive, even in the worst of circumstances.

If you have a bitter heart, bring it to Jesus!  Get rid of the killer that is stealing your life.  Not only will you find freedom, but it will open your eyes and heart to see Jesus … just like Stephen did in those last few minutes.  He is ready to lead you forward … or lead you home … if you will walk in forgiveness. 

Yes, life can be grossly unfair – but you don’t have to stay in that moment.  You can move through it by the power of forgiveness.

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