
06/01/18 - Acts 20

June 1, 2018 

My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-testifying to the good news of God's grace. Acts20:24

All who accept God’s grace are called to share that grace with others.

It’s interesting how philosophies change with generations, especially in handling the way we deal with common viruses.

A generation ago, when a child came down with chicken pox, it wasn’t uncommon for parents to let their kids get exposed to the child in order to “get the pox over with”.  By contracting the disease at a younger age, children would grow an immunity, and avoid the more dangerous effects of the disease when they got older.  Then came the vaccine, which would avoid all of the effects of the virus and still provide the immunity.  Now we find that chicken pox creates a future risk of ‘shingles’, and now people are back to avoiding the disease as much as possible, or get the vaccines for both when appropriate.  Not that the vaccines are perfect preventions, but they help mitigate the disease and can often eliminate the effects.

Much like a virus, we have all been exposed to the spiritual virus of sin.  It is quite deadly, and is very contagious.  Whether young or old, the side effects are dangerous to our health and the health of others.  In fact, contracting the disease is deadly if we don’t receive a dose of the vaccine called ‘grace’.  Grace has the ability to combat the disease, and even heal us from the effects.

What makes Grace so amazing is the contagious way IT works.  Instead of a vaccine that must be administered at your local ‘church hospital’, Grace is contracted by exposure to people that already have it.  If we want to be healed from the sin virus, what we need to do is be exposed to people who have the Grace cure!  Then, by being contracted with Grace, we can find help for our problems with sin.

But Grace has this interesting activator for it to work.  Grace isn’t something we keep inside of us – for it to fix our sin virus, we must ALSO give it away.  By sharing grace with others, it activates the grace vaccine IN US to work as well!

Paul figured that out – He realized that His primary calling for the rest of his life was to give grace away to every person he could.  By doing so, it removed the temptation to sin, and the effects of his past.  He simply shared Jesus with everyone around him, and that spread the grace vaccine to millions of people since. 

That’s our mission too – fight off the sin of our lives by receiving the vaccine of Grace from Jesus, and giving it to everyone around us.  When we do – it is a spiritual protection to our lives and an antivirus for others. 

So go ahead – gives some grace away today!

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