
06/26/18 - Romans 9

June 26, 2018

They pursued the Law not by faith but as if it were by works. Romans 9:32

Obeying the law doesn't save us, obeying shows our love to God BECAUSE He saved us.

It must have been a complete shock to the crowds, and especially the Pharisees, when Jesus was talking about relationship saving us instead of obedience in the Sermon on the Mount!   Near the end of his message, Jesus speaks about people who thought they were doing good works, and how being good people will gain us entrance to heaven.  Jesus walked through the scenario, and then dropped the hammer on the idea by stating:  Many will say to me all the good things they did in this life, but I will say to them: I never knew you – away from me! 

It’s still the thinking today by some who practice Christianity, and by most who don’t.  The thinking is that we are better than others, and because we think of ourselves as good people, God will take us into heaven.  But Jesus made it clear:  Unless you are perfect, there is no entrance to heaven based on your good works.  If we even sinned one time, either by an action, or thought, or word said, then heaven is too holy for us to enter.  BUT… if we have a relationship with Jesus, then He (and only He), can get us in.   Jesus has a back-stage pass to heaven for all of us who know Him personally.  Relationship gets us in, not works.

That doesn’t mean we can pile up the sins in this life.  Obedience still matters for all of the reasons the Law was given – to protect our hearts from idolatry, to save us from consequences, to guard & care for our families & friendships, to bring Glory to God, and much more.   Jesus said: If you love me, then obedience will be your way of showing it.  So the evidence of relationship shows up in obedience, but it’s not the main proof.  The main proof is knowing Jesus, and being known by Jesus.

Obedience to God’s law is still crucial for our lives, but not the saving factor of our lives.  Having a relationship with Jesus leads us to obey out of faith in Him, not as a factor in guaranteeing our salvation.  If we know Jesus, then we know the cross and the power of His forgiveness in our life.  Obey Jesus out of faith instead of trying to prove something.  Allow your obedience to be a demonstration of your love for Him.

So start each day with a simple question:  How will I be loving Jesus today?

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