
06/04/18 - Acts 21

June 4, 2018 

All of them, including wives and children, accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.   Acts21:5

People can leave our homes and move from our lives, but they can’t escape our prayers.

Dropping off our daughter to college was one of the most exciting and saddening moments in our lives.  We were thrilled with the college, with the atmosphere, with the care and connections she would have available to her.  Certainly being 800 miles away had its drawbacks, but we expected great things for her, and knew this was a good choice in her life.  But even with all of the positives, driving away was painful.  After raising her all our lives, we were now leaving the job up to God.  (Not that He wasn’t doing it the whole time --- but at least God let us have our delusions for a while.)

That’s when the reality sank in the first time --- our kids can escape our homes and escape our authority, but they can’t escape our prayers!  At that point more than ever before, Dianna and I discovered a new depth in the power of prayer.  We found out how much our prayers “chase” after the ones we pray about.  Over the next several months, every ‘crisis’ gave us a hunger to pray, since that’s about all you can do from 800 miles away.  Prayer was no longer the prelude to action – prayer WAS the action.  And it seemed like EVERY prayer found an answer soon afterwards, as other challenges came to the forefront of our conversations.  God not only took care of our daughter, but proved He was way better at helping her through her problems than we ever were.

That’s a WORD for someone today.  If Jesus can chase us down 2000 years later with His prayers, then our prayers have the ability to work wonders today.  People can leave your home, leave your life, even run from your authority or advice, but they cannot escape your prayers.

Paul was facing persecution and possibly death as he headed to Jerusalem, and the only thing left for the leaders to do was pray for him.  So they did, right on the beach before getting back on the boat.  Their prayers chased after Paul, and God answered their prayers by protecting Paul in Jerusalem even when men committed themselves to killing him. 

Praise God – nobody can outrun your prayers.  And thank God that you can’t outrun the prayers given for you!

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