
06/05/18 - Acts 22

June 5, 2018 

“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”   Acts 22:7

Every sin against others is a persecution against Jesus.

“It’s none of your business!”

That’s a phrase used often to tell others they are not the target or the solution to a problem.  We like to use it often – to the spouse who wants to fix it, or the nosy person who wants to hear it, or the government who wants to check on it.  We think that our actions are only limited to the people we directly affect, and want everyone else to stay out of it.  (And to some extent, that is correct.)

Jesus has a different opinion.  Saul had just approved the death of Stephen, and was trying to arrest people who were professing Jesus and stirring up the nation with His teachings.  Saul thought his actions were not only justified, they were holy and righteous.  But then Jesus shows up and tells Saul that every action against another is a persecution against Christ.  Every hurt is not just pain to the person we hurt, it’s also putting a nail in the hands and feet of Jesus.  Your lack of love for a brother is painful to Jesus.  My rejection of a person is killing the Savior.  We may not think it involves God, but Jesus says otherwise.

What is also true is that every action we take in this life has an effect on other people too.  Our sin has consequences that affects not only me, but also my family, friends, neighbors, nation, and world --- not just for this generation, but for generations to come.  There is a tidal wave of impact that happens from every sin and every righteous act.  Just look at the effects of second hand smoke, or pollution, or oil spill.  And yes – even the effects of sexual immorality, drunkenness, pride, bigotry, selfishness, greed, etc. all carry over into the lives and futures of people around us.  Big or small, it has a lingering impact.  While we may not think it is any of their business – it actually affects their business!

That doesn’t give us the right to steal away a person’s free will!  But it does give us the permission to question what is happening.  And it DEFINITELY permits Jesus to question us when our sins have such a personal effect on Him.

Jesus already paid the price for our sins, but doesn’t like our ongoing ignorance and persecution by continuing to sin.  It’s time to see sin for the reality it brings – sin is destructive, defeating, and death-giving.  Every sin is a slap in the face of God, and puts Jesus back on the cross.  Stop acting like your sin is private.  It may not be publicly known, but it is not just privately felt. 

Thank God that Jesus wants to fix our sins.  He did that with Saul, and He still does it with us.  Let Jesus change your life instead of continuing to persecute Him with our sins.

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