
08/03/18 - 2Cor 5

Aug 3, 2018

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2Cor 5:21

Jesus became our sin on the cross, so that we can stop living selfishly and become righteous like Him.

The greatest way to thank someone for a gift we have received is to USE the blessing the way they would.

A friend recently gave me a wonderful gift – an acoustic guitar.  He knew I had given away my previous guitars to other ministry endeavors, and wanted to offer me a blessing.  His thoughtfulness and kindness not only left me speechless, but increased my hunger to play again.  I offered to pay him something in return, but all he wanted me to do was play that guitar.  I have COMPLIED!

Consider that guitar for a second.  It was not designed to be a hammer.  It is not made to be a wall ornament, or a paper weight, or a planter.  It is designed to make music by playing it.  Doing anything else with it would be a dis-service to the person who gave it to me.  But when I use it the way it was intended, that guitar is a joy for me (albeit maybe not quite as much of a joy to my family); playing it is also an honor to his kindness.

Jesus did something for you and me that is FAR GREATER than giving us a guitar --- He took our sins on himself and died in our place.  Just let that sink in a few minutes.  The Bible says: “He who had NO sin, became sin FOR US”.  His gift of sacrifice was the greatest gift we will ever receive, because ONLY Jesus could do it, and it was the one gift we all desperately needed.  Jesus didn’t give us that gift so that we would abuse it or misuse it, but so that we would become what God had intended us to be – righteous, holy, and obedient children of Almighty God.

We have been given a HUGE Gift!  Don’t waste it, or leave it laying around.  Put it to use!  


-          What sinful habits or lifestyles need to be transformed into behaviors that match Jesus?

-          What spiritual disciples need to be implemented to grow holiness?

-          What practices in family and work need changed so that we can live righteously?

Jesus took on death so that we could have NEW life --- what are you doing with that Gift?

It’s time to start playing the music of your life again…

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