
08/24/18 - Eph 1

Aug 24, 2018

God placed all things under Christ's feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body.  Eph 1:22

Being a part of the church means coming under His authority & protection---so be careful thinking we don't need the church, because Satan is looking for unprotected people!

During World War I, the British & German fleets engaged in heavy battles on the seas, and during the early days of the war, British ships were hit and sunk quickly.  In one battle, three ships instantly sunk, killing 1000s at sea, and leaving the British nearly defenseless.  It was discovered that although the British ships were heavily armored around their sides, they were using wood planks for the decks, and attacks by artillery from above easily destroyed their hulls.  Once the British armored their decks properly, they were able to fight and win more battles at sea.

Today’s culture has treated the church like it is unnecessary, irrelevant, and without merit.  So more and more people are putting less priority on church attendance and spending time in spiritual contexts, even exiting the church and pursuing their own methods of religious activity.  Yet in the mean time, children grow up without a moral standard, marriage has been changed to accept alternative lifestyles, killing babies and senior citizens has become acceptable practice, and our debt load continues to grow as a country.  We see more people lacking deep relationships and families splintered, and wonder why our lives are such a mess.

Independence has its benefits, but one big drawback that living ‘solo’ brings is a lack of protection.  Like those ships, we don’t realize we have vulnerabilities that cannot be protected alone.  We have blind spots that cannot be guarded by our own methods, and need the help of the Church Body.  Paul says that the church is not about our personal satisfaction, but about helping each other as we together serve the Head --- Jesus!  The church is not about us, it’s about Jesus.  He is the authority and following Him TOGETHER is our protection.  When we attend church, it’s not to be satisfied, it’s to be connected and protected.

Satan is a sly enemy.  He knows our weaknesses, and is targeting people who do not have their armor installed properly.  Don’t open yourself or your family to his deadly artillery, find a church family where God wants you to serve and stay committed to the Body of Christ.  When you do, you will find that His power and protection move your life forward through the attacks and bring you out on the other side.

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