
08/30/18 - Eph 5

Aug 30, 2018

Follow God's example & walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. Eph 5:1-2

Love sacrifices itself for another--- so love God and love others like Jesus loved you.

Take note for one week on all the things you say you “love”.   Here’s a portion of my list from yesterday.  I said I loved:  my wife, my granddaughter, my daughter, the arrival of a friend, the color of a car, the heat, the air conditioning, the taste of a DQ Ice Cream Blizzard, a song on the radio, a funny joke, and much more.  We say we “love” everything – but the fact is we love what everything does for us.

Sometimes we measure love by how it is received, but God measures love by how it is given.  That’s why the love of Jesus is so powerful!  Jesus CHOSE to sacrifice Himself and give us His love in spite of our lack of love toward Him.  Jesus didn’t wait to see if we loved Him, He chose to love us first.

The human tendency is to love with limits.  We don’t mind sacrificing ourselves when there is a compensatory return.  We are okay with sacrifice that is not too painful.  Or sometimes, we’ll sacrifice our lives for a great cause or very important person.  But few people are willing to fully sacrifice themselves for an ungrateful or selfish person.  And almost nobody would lay down their life for an evil person.

Yet that is what Jesus did for Judas.  That’s what He did for all the disciples, the Jews, the Greeks, the Romans, and the people of the earth.  And that’s what He did for you and me.  His love was boundless, because real love doesn’t set a limit on the sacrifice.  Real love does what is right and best for the person it loves.

Walking in the way of love is choosing to express love to others without reservation.  It means loving your spouse, your kids, your neighbors, your enemies, your world – all because Jesus loves them, not because they loved you back.  It is a life of sacrifice, but one that is greatly admired and highly watched.  The only way to live it out is to fully taste the love Jesus has for us.  Without a full supply of his love, we cannot keep walking in love.

So today, choose to love others by recognizing and filling up on God’s love.  Then you’ll have an endless supply to give away.

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