
08/06/18 - 2Cor 6

Aug 6, 2018

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? 2 Cor 6:14 

Our closest relationships will influence beliefs, so choose wisely.

What are you looking for in a mate?

When I have asked other people that question, the common answers tend to deal with personality, physique, life season similarities, shared enjoyments, and other physical or emotional characteristics.  Sometimes people list their spiritual expectations, but often that is down the list from appearance or temperament.  Sadly, the traits that tend to be less important before the marriage often become the roadblocks after the wedding. 

Our best relational matches have little to do with physical, emotional or social attributes.  The best relationships share common beliefs and values – which are spiritual attributes.  Show me a couple who have shared beliefs about handling money, raising children, worshipping God, choosing a lifestyle, and I will show you a couple that has a far better chance of going the distance.  But show me one that is mismatched in those areas, and I’ll show you one that will be struggling with doubts and fears.

The Bible teaches us to be yoked with people who have common values in our religious (spiritual) beliefs.  Because when we don’t match up with another person who shares in our faith, it will weaken the person of faith and cause compromise in their values.  When that happens, not only does the marriage head the wrong direction, but the children grow up without a strong moral foundation, and end up struggling with the same challenges in their future relationships.  The principle is simple – beliefs tend to travel to the LOWEST common denominator. 

That’s why SO MANY believers are falling for sinful lifestyles these days!  People are valuing physical attraction and shared enjoyment over spiritual values – and end up sacrificing their obedience to gain the relationship.  In the end, it leaves a trail of brokenness and pain that either must be repaired, or ends up as lingering disappointment.

CHANGE the ORDER!   START with looking at beliefs and values FIRST --- THEN consider the physical, emotional and social elements.  Not only will it lead to a happier relationship, but the marriage will grow more holy.  And THAT IS THE REAL PURPOSE of marriage anyways.

So take 5 minutes right now and start a list – what are the right spiritual values to look for, or to build up, in your marriage.  Whether you are married or not, it will be the foundation of growing holiness in yourself and your closest relationship.

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