
Believe like You See-05/23/12

Job 42:5-6 - "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”

Seeing is believing - and humbling.

We hear thinks that we know are right but still don't believe they apply to us. Speed limits are one of those things. Most people understand the reasons for speed limits - safety, protection of bystanders, orderly traffic flow, saving gas, etc. Yet when it comes to obeying speed limits, that's another story---until we SEE a patrol car waiting for speeders alongside the road! Then seeing is believing.

Job had lots to say about God while He seemed a distance away, but it all changed when God was there in person. Then seeing became believing, and the attitude changed. The same will happen to us someday when we stand in the Presence of God. Seeing will become believing and our years of telling God we are the exception will change immediately.

Funny thing happens when we stand in the Presence of God, all of our self-serving attitudes lose credibility. Instead of focusing on ourselves and our situations, we will despise ourselves. Our problems and needs will be nothing compared to His Presence. The focus will change from our wants to his will. Seeing will change our believing.

Better to change it now and not have to face that moment. Instead, act like our authority is in the room. Drive like the police officer is monitoring our speed. Work like the boss is sitting next to us. Live like our spouse and kids are with us watching what we do. Believe by living like you can see.

If God truly was standing before you, it would change much of our attitudes and actions. What would change in your behavior if He was there right now?

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