
Saving Money in Relationships-06/14/12

Prov 31:10 - A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.

People spend tens of thousands of dollars on the wedding, but then won't spend a few hundred getting the counseling they need for the marriage.

What's worse is the amount that couples spend on lawyers to end the marriage compared to the few dollars it takes to work thru the problems. Compound that with all the extra duplicate spending after a divorce and the cost on the lives of the kids, and it adds up to a lot more than the cost of some rubies!

So if that's the case, then why are we in such a hurry to find a date, or a mate, or get married? Better to be a little slower on that process and get some clear wisdom on who is the right person for us.

And more than that, why go and dump the marriage so quickly when it gets tough? With just a little humility and a little help, the marriage issues can be addressed and new strength given to the relationship.

The choice we make in our marriage relationship decides more about our future than almost anything else. That's why the Proverbs writer spends a whole chapter outlining character qualities of a good mate. We need to be very selective on who we choose and get our character right before starting the marriage. And we need to be the right type of person to move our marriage forward. Character is the core of healthy relationships.

Wisdom sees the future and makes good choices in the present based on that. So look into the future on a relationship based on your character. Is the person you are going to lead to healthy future outcomes? Is the person you want to date or marry showing healthy character (check out the list of evidences in the rest of Proverbs)? Do a character check right now--and be honest enough with yourself to make wise choices.

Character will outlast charisma and appearance, so make your relational decisions based on character.

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