
Upping my Hate-06/10/12

Prov 6:16 - There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: ...

There are some things that are acceptable to hate. In fact, God actually despises some things.

Proverbs goes on to list some of them. ... Pride, lying, assault, sin, etc. But what should strike us is not what's in the list, but the fact that there IS one! God hates some things that He still puts up with (at least for a while).

That should tell us some things:

Hating people is not an option, but hating certain behaviors is acceptable. In fact, we can tell more about what we truly live by what we hate.

We not only should love what God loves, but hate what God hates. I'm guessing we are more accepting of many of those behavior than we should be.

Hating something doesn't mean we are supposed to eliminate it. We should not participate in it, support it, or encourage it. But if God doesn't eliminate it from our free will, we probably should be careful in how w handle it with others.

Hard to believe that God is so patient with us on things that He hates. But even harder to believe is knowing He hates it and still doing those things! Every time we lie, God hates it. Every abortion or unjust killing God despises. Every time I choose my will over his, or select sin instead of rightness, or encourage others to sin---God hates it!

I'm concerned that we haven't developed a better sense of hating the things God hates. Accepting pride, or white lies, or pursuing sinful behaviors, should be so disgusting to us that we would rather suffer that accept them into our life. If God hates them so much, then I better learn to hate them in my life, whatever it is.

You have probably been taught to love everyone... a good teaching. But accept a second part of that teaching---to hate everything God hates.

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