
When it's not Enough-05/28/12

Psalm 90:10 - The length of our days is 70 years— or 80, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

Have you ever been in a season of pain or disappointment, wondering if this is all there is in life? Or maybe you have questioned whether your life is successful, wondering if you made the right choices in your career, relationships, directions.

When we are young we have hope for great things in life, and with success comes expectations. Then there comes a season in life where even with success and achievement, we discover the empty hole of "not enough"... And wonder if we have pursued the wrong things.

That season is valuable to faith, for it is the reminder of what's eternal versus what's temporary.

I greatly enjoy the song from Laura Story called Blessings. She sings: "What if His blessings come thru raindrops... What if trials of this life are His mercies in disguise?"

How sad would it be for God to let us go thru life coasting from one self-centered success to the next and never discover how much heaven matters more. Short lives, disappointments, trials, and pain are all reminders that success on earth means NOTHING compared to the victory of thirsting more for Jesus.

Thankfully, God gives us seasons where we learn how deeply we need Him. We may ride out successes for a while, or live in denial for as long as possible, but the reality of a short life on earth finally challenges us to examine what we do in this life, and who we really live for. There are no successes that are "enough", no lifestyle that is pain free, and no victories that are worth sacrificing our eternity for. The life worth living is less about what we do on earth and more about what we have waiting for us in heaven.

Writing this on Memorial Day is even more of a reminder of how blessed we are. For all of us, our present day blessings are a result of others' sacrifice. And it will be our sacrifices (not our successes) that leave the greatest blessing to our future generations.

Don't wish away blessings by avoiding seasons of pain or struggle. Remain faithful and trust God to use your life for His purposes. Our sacrifice is their blessing. Pleasing God is enough!

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