
The Power at our Fingertips-06/11/12

Prov 7:3 - Bind His commands on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

I like having the remote control around me at all times (of course, it's also in the possession of my wife at times, or my granddaughter's hand when she visits).  Having "the power" allows me to view whatever I want on the TV.  Of course, in this high content world, that's not always a good thing.  Channel surfing has become more dangerous these days, because my fingers can lead my mind on a journey that it shouldn't travel.  Some things are fine, but others need to be skipped through or avoided quickly.  (And when I traveled, hotel remotes were much more dangerous - often requiring a phone call to the front desk to have channels turned off in order to avoid the danger.)

It's not just the remote control.  Having things at our fingertips is a norm in our lives. We like having wireless access, remote control, buttons on the steering wheel, even touch screen phones that can handle all our communication needs. But often it's the stuff we set aside that ends up disappointing us later. Like leaving our family at arms length, or putting aside our Bibles for a while, or not praying and talking/listening to God regularly.

The writer in Proverbs exhorts us to keep God at our fingertips--including His commands and principles. Make His Word a remote control that you keep by your side regularly. Having His commands at your fingertips can save us from the destructive things our fingers grab for.  In the rest of Proverbs 7, the writer shows the danger of not having God's commands at your fingertips.  He uses a similar example to channel surfing in the day - the seductress that draws an unknowing man into her arms and destroys his life (as well as damaging the life of his family).  The point is not just the danger of adultery, but the danger of not having God's commands at your fingertips.

Take a look at what your fingers are doing these days.  What is at your fingertips?  Is the Word of God a regular touch-point in your life?  Are you keeping the Lord's principles or your pleasures at your fingertips?  Make sure you're carefully examining what power your fingers possess.

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