
Singing Your Song-05/31/12

Psa 104:33 - I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

There's a difference between someone who sings to be noticed and sings to bring praise. It can be the same song, but the person singing the song has a different motivation. (That is why I feel so moved by watching our worship leaders sing to God versus watching people sing on a music show.) As much as a good voice makes it easier to listen to a song...the heart behin a song matters even more!

Guess what? You are singing every moment of your life! It's either a song to gain attention or one to bring attention to another...but u r singing a song!

We're not talking about a sound that comes from your mouth, but an expression that comes from your heart. We sing every day as we work, as we play, as we relate, and as we rest. Every activity is a song that expresses our praise and worship to somebody. In many cases, we sing about ourselves, in some cases we sing about others, and once in a while our song is abou God.

The Psalmist says he will sing his song to God every day. That takes intentionality, humility, and passion. Those are great ingredients for a recipe of worship... And a beautiful song to sing. How do we do that?

We sing to God by staying devoted to Him daily. That is best done by listening to His Word thru the Scriptures and prayer. We sing by doing our work to the best of our ability---not only to please our boss but to honor His Name. We sing by living our family te best we can...which means we do what's best for them and give them our time and attention. And we sing by serving and supporting our church family (the body of Christ). That means supporting the Kingdom with our money and our talents.

You are singing a song every day. Who are you singing about? How passionate and praiseworthy is your song?

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